Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Communicating at the Highest

Arie expressing that, nap time was good to her :)

Although verbal communication is important, spoken words make up only a small part of communication. The majority of communication is nonverbal. In fact, some research has shown that up to 93% of communication is nonverbal! The amount of communication that is nonverbal shows why it is so important to pay close attention to people’s actions as well as their words. So how do people communicate non-verbally? Nonverbal communication is made up primarily of facial expressions and body language. Understanding these nonverbal cues helps to fully understand what the speaker is saying. Mastering nonverbal communication will enable you to be a better communicator as you get a better understanding of the nonverbal cues you and the people you communicate with are sending. If you don’t understand nonverbal communication, you will miss out on part of the message. Nonverbal cues can tell you how people feel if they are telling the truth, and whether or not they are paying attention.

Nonverbal cues or communication play a very important role in an individual’s everyday life. There are also many different kinds of nonverbal cues or communication. And some of those nonverbal cues include gestures, paralinguistic, facial expression, body language and posture, eye gaze, proxemics, and appearance.

Demonstrative communication is defined as a type of communication that observes nonverbal cues. Some examples of nonverbal cues are tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. Many people feel that these are not telling signs of communication but could not be any further from the truth. Communication is in everything that we do and say. Your tone of voice can tell someone if you are happy, sad, angry and even nervous.

The most common among all the nonverbal communication is the facial expressions. For example, a frown or a smile conveys emotions that are distinct and are difficult to express by means of verbal communication. Research has shown that nonverbal cues or body language along with facial expressions, tone of voice and body stance account for almost 55% of all the communication that takes place. As per the research, only 7% of the message’s comprehension by the receiver is based on the actual words of the sender, 38% is on the basis of paralanguage (the volume, tone, and pace of speech) while 55% is on the basis of nonverbal cues (body language).

How do you get better at non-verbal communication? The answer is simple. By practicing good listening skills, you can improve your ability to listen to others and understand their point of view. You'll be able to communicate with people in a more effective way. You'll learn how to use body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. It will also help you become more confident in speaking up when asked for advice or support. Who doesn't want to feel like they helped someone?. I love that feeling of being heard. If you're not sure what to say, ask yourself: Am I really listening to my peers? Am I actually hearing them out loud?.

As primates, we tend to place verbal communication on the highest pillar and have trouble fathoming other outlets of “language.” But in fact, most animals communicate in vastly different ways. What are you communicating with your posture, facial expression, tone of voice, or even just an eyebrow? He is extremely Type Aand needs everything just-so. In contrast, you are a hard-working but casual Type-B doctor. You roll with the punches and can stand some disorganization as long as your main objectives of doctoring are being met.

Communication from the highest values approach requires you to think and use words that attract, interest, excite and call to action the person you are speaking to. By understanding their highest values (or what makes them tick) you can equate your words to their values, interests, and outlook. This increases engagement and understanding exponentially. This is a simple concept. Use what makes them tick to maintain their interest and to keep them engaged. If you speak the language of their highest interests and values, you will be on the mobilized playing field.

Communicating at your highest abilities not only help you to achieve your goals but also help you to be more successful. Maybe get the job that you are interviewing for, or the promotion that you have been looking for. Whatever it is, communicate with others in a way that will make them feel valued and respected. Showing that same respect allows you to be a better leader.

Better communication goes a long way toward building trust and rapport. The more you know about your audience, the easier it is to build. You can also use this information to create a stronger connection with them. I consider myself a good listener, but I am still learning how to be a good communicator. I have good days and bad days, great articles and not so great articles. But I keep going, because I know one day, I will be.

Practice and disciplinary confidence are showing that you have faith in your abilities and showers others with understanding. It's also showing that you are willing to listen, even if it means being a little uncomfortable.

As always, thanks for investing time!.

Leilani Raven Katen

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Individualism and Why it is Important

 The modern age is arguably one of the most liberating times when it comes to self-discovery and exploration. People within the Western culture are free to express themselves in a multitude of ways, without much inhibition or back-lash. It is a time that ushers in a fluid dance of feminine and masculine energy, demonstrating that these concepts exist in less of a dichotomy and on more of a spectrum, giving freedom to redefine what constitutes both femininity and masculinity. As wonderful as this is, it is not without its consequences. The idea of what it means to be a man has changed, but the definition of that change has become upsettingly unclear. As a result, an entire generation of men now exists without a sense of direction, purpose, or sense of self. Men have always been driven to build, learn, and grow, but without the guidance to know where to start or how to do so, we find ourselves frustrated and stuck.

The journey of self-discovery of identity and culture is a very challenging process because it involves discovering and revealing the good and bad experiences that shaped us as human beings. The effects of self-discovery include happiness, disappointment, clarity, enlightenment, and even self-fulfillment. However, it also entails fear, doubts, confusions, and misunderstandings. Most importantly, it also means finding our ultimate purpose in life. According to Abraham Maslow’s arguments, in “The hierarchy of needs", there are three levels: Physiological, safety, and esteem.  Physiological needs include food, water, and shelter.  Safety is the need for protection from danger or threat.  Safety needs include love, security, and belonging.  Esteem is the need for recognition and acceptance. These are all important factors in a person's life but they cannot be separated from each other. They are related to the level of self-actualization and self- esteem. This is where we start to realize that we have no control over what happens to us. We don't know how much time will pass before our next meal, when it comes to sex, or whether we will ever get pregnant.  The way we think about ourselves is also affected by the way others perceive us.  This is why we must learn to accept ourselves as who we are and not what others think of us.

Self-discovery is a fundamental component of personal growth. We must take the time to discover who we are as a person. This is accomplished through self-reflection. Self-reflection allows us to think about and examine our actions, preferences, feeling, values, beliefs, emotions, and tendencies. Since we are all different in the way we think, feel, act, learn, and perceive the world, it is beneficial to take the time to reflect in order to gain a better insight into ourselves. Self-discovery is a way for us to explore our individual personalities, natural preferences, values, beliefs, preferred styles, and tendencies.

This is a central tenet of the Existential-Humanistic perspective that places the individual's journey to self-discovery at the very heart of the discovery of purpose and meaning which then affect elements such as self-regard, mental resilience and the ability to not be cowered by even the most insurmountable odds. In making yourself into who you are, tread carefully. Make the right decisions. Understand that every choice is a decision in itself and each decision is both taking you towards a place and building who you are.

Do you know what it is that makes you feel so alive? What does it mean to be truly happy? I think the answer lies in our ability to find ourselves when we are not afraid of being alone. When we can be completely present with ourselves and just let go of all the things that make us uncomfortable.

Depression is said, for example like yourself telling you that, the person you are playing is tiresome. Mental-exhaustion is a common symptom of depression. It's not just about being depressed but also about how your mind works and what your brain does to make sense of things. It's important to understand that depression is not something you can simply get rid of. No one can ever think it away. It's a state of mind that has been created by the human brain.

The human brain is an infinitely complicated organ. Doctors and scientists are making new discoveries about it every day. The information that Asprey shares are remarkable and compelling. His research and extent of self-experimentation are impressive. Even more impressive is his self-awareness and keen understanding of his own cognitive function, moods, and energy levels.

A Trekkie analogy: Michael Burnham in the new Star Trek Discovery is a human who was raised in the Vulcan culture and taught to shed her emotional self in favor of pure logic. She struggles to embrace the concept that she needs both her Vulcan logic as well as her Human emotional layers to be self-actualized. Similarly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will not reach its highest levels of effectiveness until both are integrated into its decision making.

Interest in the topic and practice self-discovery has been growing steadily since the 1960s. Bearing the marks of an age of science and individualism, the premise of self-discovery is to study oneself in order to know oneself. Like the scientist who assumes an objective world that is ripe for discovery, the self-investigator feels confident that, with sufficient effort and diligence, her true self can be unearthed and brought into the light of understanding.

Thanks for investing time, please hit the follow button on the side for more ingestible reads.

As always

Leilani Raven Katen

Ps- comment below about your journey of self-discovery in the last few months. I am a big believer in self-discovery and have been doing so for the past years. I've always had this belief that if you are not aware of yourself and what you want to do with your life then it is impossible to achieve anything.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Growth Involves a Balance of Good and Bad

“Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision, and change.” —Richard Branson"

My Daughter and I enjoying the day! :)

A great teacher of mine once preached on the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is one that limits change and growth, whereas a growth mindset accepts change and promotes growth. This can be directly applied to love. Humans can either limit their ability and modes of loving, or they can allow it to flourish and impact the lives of others. Every single person on this planet has the capacity in their heart to put their differences with others aside and work together through love.  40 years of research by Stanford professor Carol Dweck proves that the growth mindset exists and that you can change from the fixed mindset to the growth mindset. By adopting the growth mindset, you can accomplish more, be more successful (which increases your happiness), and lead a more meaningful life.

Kim: Resilience, resolve, passion, work ethic, humility, adaptability, and a growth mindset. Things change fast and you won’t know everything, but you should be able to learn fast and grow with every experience. (Gross, E. L., Jun. 2018)

How do we start the process of changing our lives? I believe that the first step is to understand what it means to be a human being. This is where you begin to see yourself as an individual and not just a sum of parts. When you are able to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, then you can begin to develop those areas in which you need to improve.

What major side effects do bad influences have on our lives and how do we deal with them?. Having bad influences in our lives is like having extra baggage, or like having cavities in our teeth, we are surrounded by pain, hurt. We call into work because of the pain and hurt. We make excuses and distract ourselves with those excuses. Using home remedies that just don't work, "well, if I just wait, maybe it will sort itself out...". I believe that the most important thing is to be certain about your wants and needs. The more you know about yourself, the better off you will be. Because then you can decide who benefits your life and who doesn't. It's not always easy to make a decision but it is very important to make one with deep thought and properly analyze it.

Let’s say you feel like you’re not getting ahead at work. A fixed mindset says the situation is the way it is, and it will never change no matter what you do. A growth mindset says you can create change if you work hard, adapt to feedback and implement strategies for personal development. It goes without saying which type of people go further in their careers. (Scudamore, B., Aug. 2017)

The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is like night and day. A person with a fixed mindset believes that their abilities are traits that cannot be changed. On the other hand, a person with a growth mindset believed that their abilities are the result of their own effort. This is the difference between wanting to look smart and wanting to become smart. There are instances where you can see whether or not a person has a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Generally, by observing how one goes about being challenged is a clear marker for their mindset

Contrast the growth mindset to the fixed mindset. The latter believes that people can't change, that we have fixed traits. Either you're born a talented writer or you're not. "It's no use to try again," a person with the fixed mindset tells herself when she receives her first rejection slip. She is afraid of looking like a failure so she gives up.  She doesn't want to be seen as a failure because she thinks everyone will see her differently.  The growth mindset is about learning from your mistakes and moving forward.  This is where I think there are two types of growth: Positive and negative.  Positive growth is when you learn something new every day.  Negative growth is when you don't know what to expect so you refuse to make decisions, procrastinating everything.  The difference between these two types of growth is that positive growth requires you to take risks and fail.  It's not easy but it can be done.  The only way to get better at anything is by taking chances. No one learns something and is great at it the first try.  But if you're willing to take a chance on yourself, then you'll never have any regrets.

As you read this article, I encourage you to adopt a "Growth Mindset" and open your mind to new perspectives. Carol Dweck, author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, describes the "Growth Mindset" as effort plus learning equals growth and success. This means if you put in the right effort and learn from your mistakes, you will succeed.

Faith in self is love for self

Thanks for investing time and remember, little steps are the most important!.

Leilani Raven Katen <3

Friday, April 12, 2019

Much Thanks To Susan B. Anthony, We Thank You.

"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.  "   
Diane Mariechild

In our modern and changing society, feminism is an unpopular word with negative connotations, and people chose not to be titled as a feminist. (Watson) Why? The answer is simple, and that is because people don't understand what feminism means. According to the Oxford dictionary, feminism is: "The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes." To put it in simpler words, feminism is the equality of rights for both men and women, with no superior sex. Feminist are not women who hate men and want to form a Matriarchy (a world ruled by women). They are not always angry and whiny, because everyone should be able to express what they feel, and we shouldn't need to apologize for having a bad day. We need to look beyond the media's stereotypical views of feminist and understand that the feminist movement is a fight for equal rights between the genders.

The concept of Feminism is used to highlight the gender inequalities in society, which are obvious in all the fields of the society. Feminism consists of certain philosophies, theories, and movements that were held in favor of gender equality. According to the feminists they are struggling for women to get equal rights. The concept of feminism started in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Feminism was considered to be the western phenomenon earlier. But as time passed, it spread throughout the world.

Through feminism, equality is brought in society, and both men and women learn to respect each other. Feminism did not start recently; women started fighting for equal rights many centuries ago. The feminist movements were greatly influenced by the French Revolution and the Revolutionary War in the late 1700s. It was during these periods that women stood out and started fighting for equal rights for all women. They fought against the oppression of their husbands, fathers, and children. They also fought against the patriarchal society.  The first woman's movement was the women's suffrage movement.  It was a group of women who wanted to change the way that men treated women.  They wanted to make sure that women had equal rights as men.  They wanted to make sure that women could vote.  They wanted to make sure that women could get jobs.  They wanted to make sure that women were able to go back home and have children, by choice.  The second women's movement was the American civil liberties Union.  They wanted the right to vote. They wanted the right to marry whomever they wished without fear.  Historically, feminism began when women wanted the right to vote. And so, we are told today, that feminism has no relevance in a society where women are already free. I ask if women are not free to pursue feminism, how are they free to do anything else? Who are we to define the extent of freedom that we want to offer to half our population? Should it not be their choice?

Feminism and anti-feminism in Sula: Right or wrong? Feminism has been in society for decades. In some societies, we see how women are kept in their boundaries. In some countries, women have to cover their entire bodies in clothing to keep from dishonoring their families. In most traditional societies a woman is to remain virginal to be considered worthy of marriage. In America, women were constrained to the household and weren’t allowed to work or vote. These actions were and are considered by some, anti-feminist. But, when is feminism taken too far? Has the act of feminism become an excuse for women to act out because we have rights?  I believe that feminism is not just about women's rights.  Women should be able to do what they want with their bodies.  I think it is important to note that there are many different types of feminism.  Feminism is a form of feminism that focuses on the issues at hand.  The main difference between feminism and other forms of feminism is that it does not focus on the issues at hand. Feminism is a way of looking at things from the perspective of women, which is why it is called feminism. In this essay, I will discuss how feminist views can affect society.

Feminism is a conflict theory which views society as male-dominated and it seeks to describe, explain and change the position of women in society. Feminism is, therefore, a theory of women's subordination and also a political movement. There are different types of feminism, which I will be evaluating in this essay; Liberal, Radical, Marxist, Black, and Postmodernist feminist. Feminists criticize mainstream sociology for being 'malestream'. By contrast, feminists examine society from the viewpoint of women an see their work as part of the struggle against women's subordination.

 Feminism object to seeing a woman as an “object” and insist on seeing and representing women as “subject” by accepting their active role in society and giving them agency. Feminists’ movement began in 1960 and formed a new approach to literary criticism. According to a critic,  the feminist movement was founded by Susan B. Anthony who believed that women should be treated equally with respect to their bodies and should not be subjected to any kind of discrimination based on their sex.  In her book, the feminist manifesto: A history of feminism in America, Susan B. Anthony argued that women's rights were being violated because they did not have the right to vote or participate in the political process. She also argued that women had no say in how they were treated. This is why it is important to note that Susan B. Anthony was one of the first women to write about this issue.  Susan B. Anthony wrote a letter to the American woman's union demanding equal rights for all women. 

The Second wave of Feminism provided an increased economic benefit to women in the workforce affecting their status in society. The feminism activist’s efforts to achieve equal pay culminated with the Equal positive Pay Act 1972 for both a man and a woman. Even though this is still an issue the difference is gradually narrowing. By 1978 women were earning up to 78% of what men were earning in the same roles as a result of the equal pay act. With more women in these types of jobs, the average wage for women has risen and the dynamics of workplaces have also changed.

The relevance of feminism in today's society is in a state of constant debate and controversy. This may be due to the many negative connotations that have become attached to the notion of feminism. Many find that feminism is simply just females trying to rise above males. However, a large number of feminists state that their goals are not to rise above men, and instead, find equality among them. No matter how strong the debate against feminism becomes, feminists still passionately advocate for its relevancy and purpose. There are many topics that a feminist may choose to confront in order to support the importance of feminism.

Open-minded people are more likely to be able to see the world from a different perspective. Women's rights and women's issues have been addressed in many ways throughout history. Women have always had a strong role in society. From birthing to raising children.  Women haven't always had a voice in society, but it's improved through the years that have passed thanks to women like Susan B. Anthony. However, as time has gone on women have also become more independent.  

So why are women seen as fragile and helpless still?. Women have always been viewed as weak and incapable of doing anything. Why?. Historically looking back, fear and dominance have been used to justify violence against women. This is evident in the case of rape and incest which was and is considered a sin by most people. It is not surprising that women are still being raped today in many countries. Closed eyes and turned heads do not help.

How can we be part of a solution to make a better world for all genders?. 

. <!Stop the dominance over one another, and have an understanding of what it means to be human. We all breathe the same air!>

 The power of women is not limited to just men. There are many other groups that have been oppressed by the patriarchy. The most prominent group is the LGBTQ community. The LGBTQ community has been marginalized in our society for centuries. The LGBTQ community has been discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, their gender identity,  race or religion. This discrimination has been a major issue in our society since the beginning of time.

How do we stop it?. By talking about it. By being aware of it, then doing something about it. Changing the hateful perspectives that formed this hate in the first place. By speaking up for what is right. By standing up for those who are oppressed and marginalized. By fighting back against the oppression of others. By making a difference in our own lives and communities. By showing love to all people. By loving ourselves unconditionally and accepting everyone else's imperfections as well. And by not allowing anyone to dictate our life choices or actions. By living with compassion and understanding. By not letting fear control us. By not allowing any one person to dictate our destiny. By not allowing any one person to dictate our future. We must be willing to stand up for what we believe in. By being open-minded and accepting that there are many ways of living without dominance. 

It's a battle that we will be fighting for a long time, but is it worth it?. I think so.

Thanks for ingesting
Yours always

Leilani Raven Baugher

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Leaders aren't born, they are grown

Admiral Greenert identified four core elements of leader development: experience, education, training, and personal development. Leadership education and training are firmly established in existing institutions and career progressions. Experience and personal development, however, are highly variable by nature. Drawing on his own experience as a commanding officer, Rear Admiral Howe, also the head of the CNO's leader development effort, explains, "We can't rely only on experience and observation to develop our future leaders. The single most effective means of improving leadership across the Navy is leaders engaging leaders." The chief executive officer of the U.S. Navy, Dr. John F. Kennedy has been quoted as saying that he has learned from his experiences with the Navy and other military organizations that they have a great deal of influence on how leaders behave. This is true for all types of leadership styles, but it can be especially true in the military. There are many ways to improve leadership skills, including 1. Develop your own style. 2. Learn how to lead others 3. Develop your own strengths 4. Develop your ability to motivate others 5. Develop your own values 6. Develop your own vision 7. Become more confident 8. Become more self-reliant 9. Develop your own skills 10. Develop your own abilities 11. Develop your own ideas 12. Develop your own strategies 13. Develop your own thinking 14. Develop your own methods 15. Develop your own way 16. Develop your own approach 17.Learn from others. Learn from your peers and mentors. You will be surprised at how much more effective you can become if you are willing to learn from other people.

 The best way to do this is by learning from others. It is important to remember that there are many ways of doing this. For example, you could ask a friend to teach you something new or help with an assignment that you haven't done before. Another way to learn is by asking someone else to teach you something new. This may seem like a simple task but it is very difficult to accomplish when you are not in a position where you know what to expect. You need to find out what you want and then figure out how to get there. If you are not ready to take on a role as leader, then start looking at your own skills and abilities. The more you can identify these areas, the better off you will be in life. You don't have to become a great leader overnight. You can start small and work your way up. You can also start with a few things that you already know about yourself. For example, if you are a good listener and always listen to others' ideas, then you can start by asking questions. This is a great way to learn about yourself and your strengths, which will help you develop your leadership skills. It's important to remember that leaders are people who inspire others to achieve their goals. They are not just leaders, but also role models and role models of others. The best leaders are those who inspire others to achieve their goals and dreams.

What are things that I do to show leadership?. Good question, because it's a very important thing for me to know how to lead and motivate people because I'm a writer. I have been writing since I was young, but never really got into it until now. I've always wanted to write but never had the time or inclination. Now I can write about anything, even if it's just a little bit of my own thoughts. I think that is why I love writing so much. Anywho, I lead people in different ways, and I want them to be able to see themselves as leaders. They need to be able to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. I believe that this is what makes a leader. I don't know how many times I've heard someone say something like, " you're not a good leader because you didn't have the guts to speak up". I have situations in my life where speaking up, only makes it worse than good.  I'm a leader because I choose what battles are worth fighting and when. I am a leader because of my ability to listen and learn from others, but also because I can help people who are struggling with issues that they may not even realize. I am a leader because I want to change the world. I want to make a difference in the world.

I want to be able to leave this planet, feeling like I changed someone's life for the good. Teach my children everything I know and didn't know when I was younger. Be the person I needed the most when I was trapped in the abuse cycle. Teach them how to love themselves and others. Teach them that they are not alone, but that they can find a way out of anything. Inspire them to become leaders by teaching them how to lead themselves. Teach them how to be confident and strong. Teach them that they can make their own decisions, even if it means taking risks. Teach them how to be independent and responsible, even if they don't know what to do. Teach them how to be resilient and determined, even if they have no idea how.

Leadership development is a process of developing and sustaining the capacity to lead others. Leaders are responsible for leading people in their organizations by providing guidance, direction, and support.

How are you leading your life and the people around you?.

I'm excited to share my thoughts on the future of education. I've been thinking a lot about how we can better support our students in their learning journey. The first step is to make sure that we are not just teaching them what they need but also providing them with tools to help them learn. This means making sure that we are not just teaching them what they need but also giving them the tools to use when they don't know what they want.

Thank you for reading. Share your thoughts!

Thoughts to digest

Success in life is what we make it. Frankl valued satisfaction and fulfillment in life more than mere happiness. And for him, that led back to meaning. He says, "Striving to find meaning in one's life is the primary motivational force in man." An interesting quote, to say the least. There are tons of articles on motivation. Rarely do you hear one address the topic of meaning? Frankl noted that without meaning, people will fill the void with things like hedonism, criminal behavior, addictions, pleasures, boredom, materialism, and depression. This sounds like a description of our contemporary culture. But it doesn't have to be. We can all learn from these experiences and apply them in our lives. I'm not saying that we should stop living for ourselves, but rather to live for others and help them find their purpose. If you're struggling with your own life, then read on!

My kids are the motivations for why I write, writing isn't just a passion. It's a way of living. It's an expression of who I am and what makes me happy and fulfilled. It's also a way to express myself in ways that make sense to me and others around me. Writing has always been a part of my life. Writing has helped me understand how to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. It's a way to let go of the past and move forward. Writing has taught me to appreciate the beauty of life. It's a way to let go of the fear and uncertainty that surrounds us. It's a way to let go of the fear that we are not good enough and to allow ourselves to be happy. I've learned that when you write, you're letting go of all the things that have been holding you back from living your best life. The more you write, the better you'll get at expressing yourself. You can do this by writing about what you want to say or how you feel. If you're feeling down, write about what makes you sad or angry. If you're feeling anxious, write about what makes you happy or sad. It doesn't matter what you write, just keep writing. You will find that you can express yourself in a way that is meaningful to you. You may not always be able to express yourself perfectly, but you can try and make it work for you. I'm sure there are many people who have been through similar situations, and they all had a different experience. The only thing that matters is your perspective on life and how you view it. My children did that for me. They have taught me more than anyone in my entire life. They have taught me to live with purpose, and they also teach me how to love unconditionally. I am grateful for their guidance and support. I know that if they weren't here, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Life is a journey. It is not an end in itself but rather the beginning of something new and exciting that will change your life forever. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by people who are willing to help me out with my problems. They are always there for me when I need them most and they always give me advice on how to improve my life. I am grateful for all the people who have helped me along this journey. I would like to share some of the things I learned from each one. I hope you Enjoy! 1. Don't let others tell you what to do or how to live your life. 2. Don't let anyone tell you what to think or feel about anything else than yourself. 3. Don't let anybody tell you what to believe in yourself, because if you don't believe in yourself then it's not worth believing in anyone else. 4. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support when you need it. If you are struggling with a problem, just ask someone.

Life isn't easy but it's worth it. The only thing that matters is what you do with your time. You cannot control everything in life and if you don't have a plan for how to get there you will never know where you are going. I've been thinking about this lately and I'm really happy to share some of my thoughts on life. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. I hope you find something new to learn from this post. If you enjoyed this article please click the heart below so others can find it too. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Contradictions To History


Every history really is two histories. There is a history of what actually happened, and there is the history of the perception of what happened. The first kind of history focuses on the facts and figures; the second concentrates on the images and words that define the framework within which these facts and figures make sense. History has been described as one of the most popular films ever made.

History plays a vital role in the development of our society. It is the foundation for all other aspects of life, including education, health care, and education. History is also an important tool to help us understand how we are shaped by our environment. History is a powerful tool that can be used to shape our future. History is a way of looking at the past, present and future. History is a way of looking at the world around us. We learn about the past through stories, experiences, and memories. 

History is a way of seeing the world from different perspectives. When you look at history, you will see many things that have been done before. You will see how people have changed over time. You will see how they have changed because of their environment. You will see how they have changed because of their culture or religion. You will see how they have changed because of their family or community. 

When you look at history, it is important to remember that there are many ways in which we can experience life. For example, if you were born in a country where your ancestors lived, you would be able to understand what was happening around them. This is why it's important to remember that history is not just about the past. It is also about the future and how we can make sure that this future is better than the present. History has been shaped by people who have gone before us. These people have had a great impact on our society and the way we live today. They have helped shape our culture and the way we think. History is an important part of our lives because it helps us learn from our mistakes and makes us stronger. History is a very important part of our lives because it teaches us about the past, how things were done in our country, and what kind of people we are. 

History is also a very important part of our lives because it shows us where the past went wrong and how we can improve our country.

Communicating at the Highest

Arie expressing that, nap time was good to her :) Although verbal communication is important, spoken words make up only a...